When is a jackpot big enough to play?

Two days ago, one of my fans wrote me that, in his opinion, jackpot games are only worth playing when their jackpot is estimated at $250 Million or more.

I replied to his email asking him why he lost touch with reality.

Here’s the reality …

  • 1 million dollar
    Maybe not a “fortune”, but it’s definitely a lot more than what most people save in their entire lifetime.
  • $5 million
    I consider that to be a fortune. Don’t you?
  • 10 to 20 million dollar
    Imagine the lifestyle you can have with that. You would be among the wealthiest persons in your city or state.

But waiting till the jackpot reaches $250 Million or more … ???

Come on … WHY?

Each time you wait is a missed opportunity.

The more frequent you participate, the better your chances are to grab a jackpot that is worth winning.

Don’t be too greedy. Instead, make it happen.

Consider playing games that are easier to win, and ALWAYS use a fail-safe number reduction platform like Winslips:

It makes winning doable and EASIER.

As you can see, plenty of games are fully supported:

To your awesome success in 2018,
