Prediction tables: lotto 530 lotto530 lotto 5/30 lotto 5-30
Here are the exact “math figures” of how many “winning numbers” someone can expect to “predict” when selecting a pool of lottery numbers from a group of 30 lottery numbers (lotto 5/30).
Example :
When you pick 12 numbers from 30 numbers, the chance that exactly 3 of the 5 main winning numbers will be among the numbers you selected is 23.620%.
Pool | 0 numbers | 1 number | 2 numbers | 3 numbers | 4 numbers | 5 numbers |
05 : | 37.282641% | 44.384096% | 16.139671% | 02.105175% | 00.087716% | 00.000702% |
06 : | 29.826113% | 44.739169% | 21.304366% | 03.873521% | 00.252621% | 00.004210% |
07 : | 23.612339% | 43.496414% | 26.097849% | 06.213773% | 00.564888% | 00.014736% |
08 : | 18.479222% | 41.064938% | 30.258375% | 09.077513% | 01.080656% | 00.039297% |
09 : | 14.279399% | 37.798408% | 33.598585% | 12.378426% | 01.856764% | 00.088417% |
10 : | 10.879542% | 33.998568% | 35.998484% | 15.999326% | 02.947244% | 00.176835% |
11 : | 08.159656% | 29.918740% | 37.398425% | 19.799166% | 04.399815% | 00.324197% |
12 : | 06.012378% | 25.767336% | 37.792093% | 23.620058% | 06.252368% | 00.555766% |
13 : | 04.342273% | 21.711367% | 37.219485% | 27.294289% | 08.529465% | 00.903120% |
14 : | 03.065134% | 17.879949% | 35.759898% | 30.651341% | 11.238825% | 01.404853% |
15 : | 02.107280% | 14.367816% | 33.524904% | 33.524904% | 14.367816% | 02.107280% |
16 : | 01.404853% | 11.238825% | 30.651341% | 35.759898% | 17.879949% | 03.065134% |
17 : | 00.903120% | 08.529465% | 27.294289% | 37.219485% | 21.711367% | 04.342273% |
18 : | 00.555766% | 06.252368% | 23.620058% | 37.792093% | 25.767336% | 06.012378% |
19 : | 00.324197% | 04.399815% | 19.799166% | 37.398425% | 29.918740% | 08.159656% |
20 : | 00.176835% | 02.947244% | 15.999326% | 35.998484% | 33.998568% | 10.879542% |
21 : | 00.088417% | 01.856764% | 12.378426% | 33.598585% | 37.798408% | 14.279399% |
22 : | 00.039297% | 01.080656% | 09.077513% | 30.258375% | 41.064938% | 18.479222% |
23 : | 00.014736% | 00.564888% | 06.213773% | 26.097849% | 43.496414% | 23.612339% |
24 : | 00.004210% | 00.252621% | 03.873521% | 21.304366% | 44.739169% | 29.826113% |
25 : | 00.000702% | 00.087716% | 02.105175% | 16.139671% | 44.384096% | 37.282641% |
26 : | 0% | 00.018245% | 00.912242% | 10.946907% | 41.963145% | 46.159460% |
27 : | 0% | 0% | 00.246305% | 06.157635% | 36.945813% | 56.650246% |
28 : | 0% | 0% | 0% | 02.298851% | 28.735632% | 68.965517% |
29 : | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 16.666667% | 83.333333% |
30 : | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 100% |