Lottotrix lottery system guide – page 8
“How far can we go ?”

On the previous pages, you got acquainted with some lottery wheels that not only allowed us to survive the early stages of the draw (thus keeping our chances to hit the jackpot intact at a stage where most players fail), but guaranteed us to win something as well (a welcome side-effect).
The big question remains :” how far can we go ? Are there any wheels out there that allow us to survive the first 4, 5 or even all 6 sequences of the draw ?”
Here’s the dilemma…
Well designed lottery wheels have no limits at all, so anyone could go as far as one is willing to go. The real limit is budgetary : the further we want to go, the more it will cost.
PICK-6 : wheel 20 numbers | |
first 2 sequences : | 16 lines |
first 3 sequences : | 72 lines |
first 4 sequences : | 400 lines |
first 5 sequences : | 2,850 lines |
first 6 sequences : | 38,760 lines |
However, if we choose to wheel fewer numbers, 12 numbers instead of 20 numbers for example, a well designed lottery system that attacks the first 4 winning numbers becomes more affordable (41 lines)
PICK-6 : wheel 12 numbers | |
first 2 sequences : | 6 lines |
first 3 sequences : | 15 lines |
first 4 sequences : | 41 lines |
first 5 sequences : | 132 lines |
first 6 sequences : | 924 lines |
Even a full wheel becomes more or less affordable if we choose to wheel fewer numbers. A full lottery wheel covers every possible combination of the numbers entered into the wheel. If the 6 winning numbers are among them, the wheel successfully attacks all 6 sequences of the draw, which means : the jackpot. It takes 84 lines to cover 9 numbers.
PICK-6 : wheel 9 numbers | |
first 2 sequences : | 3 lines |
first 3 sequences : | 7 lines |
first 4 sequences : | 12 lines |
first 5 sequences : | 30 lines |
first 6 sequences : | 84 lines |
Finding the perfect balance between
“risk” and “reward”…
3 final thoughts…
- The more numbers you choose to wheel, the more chance you have that the 6 winning numbers will be among them. (That should be your first priority ! How else could you win a lotto jackpot ?)
- The more sequences a wheel attacks, the better the guarantee. But at the same time, because you are forced to wheel fewer numbers (for budgetary reasons), the less chance you have that the 6 winning numbers will be among them. (In that case, your chances to hit the jackpot are non-existent.)
- Many lottery experts – myself included – prefer to wheel all the numbers. This takes less tickets than you might think and allows one to successfully attack the first 2 sequences of the draw (those first 2 winning balls don’t count anymore !)
As a consequence, that 3rd winning ball is my first challenge : it’s not a matter of luck, but a matter of time (on average once every 10 draws, I have this perfect start). At this point, I am only 2 steps away to hit a pick 5 jackpot or 3 steps away to hit a pick 6 jackpot. From then on, the factor “luck” takes control. I accept that !
Ready to switch to “Expert mode” ?
Then have a quick look at the contents of
this ingenious masterpiece !
(Instant download !)
A Cheap Lotto System?
Wheels are quite expensive to execute. If you can’t afford to play dozens of tickets or if you don’t like to play together with some friends, I developed a great SOLO-strategy:
In my opinion, WINSLIPS is the world’s best lotto system on the market today. Based on the Inverted Lottery System , Winslips’ online application provides a fail-safe number reduction platform for hundreds of lotto games. The One Ticket System is fully integrated as well, so you can literally start with just one ticket. Now how cheap is that?
To your success!
Stefan Vandevelde
Lottery system designer
Current world record holder C(49,6,2,6)